Dec 27, 2009

How to heal yourself

"All of the Dharma is based on Buddha's discovery that suffering is unnecessary: Like a disease, once we really face the fact that suffering exists, we can look more deeply and discover it's cause; and when we discover that the cause is dependent on certain conditions, we can explore the possibility of removing those conditions. "

Although, having many religious believes, I am not religious. I am more spiritually attuned to the universe as the Soul in which we reside - God (whatever you perceive as truth), only one pulsating Soul or God exists. We are all a part of the magnificence, We are all Magnificant. We are all creators. What is it that you create? Do your creations bring you happiness or suffering?

Come on your Journey Into Wellness. Explore the many different ways and paths--all of them good, all of them leading to the same place--remembrance of your true nature. Wholeness! Find the key to unlock the healing power which we all possess. To maintain a healthy body, we must first open our minds and free our spirits.

My intentions are always positive and powerful, even more so when combined with your own self-healing intentions which I help you to cultivate. This is done by combining various healing modalities which include

  • Massage
  • Cultivating Movement Therapy
  • Internal Cleansing/Dietary Detoxification/Smudging
  • Aromatherapy
  • Body Brushing
  • Vibration - Tibetan Singing Bowl
  • Music
  • Intention
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Ruin Readings
  • Potentiality
  • Angels
Tune in to your inner sanctuary and see what resonates within you to your highest! Be Well. Be Whole! Feel your connection!

The only thing that limits human potential is it's own definition of itself.


Dec 21, 2009


Hello ladies

I am preparing the blog for my first post. Please be patient and subscribe.
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Be Well
Marlene Rodriguez-Castelluccio, LMT
Journey Into Wellness
Healthy bodies, Open minds, Free spirits

May 24, 2009

My personal experience (2)

After returning to the Radiologist to re-perform my imaging, the tests indicated that the formation had shrunk even further to 5mm.
So as a recap: I have had a formation in my breast since before 2005. It was recorded in radiology reports, but was not brought to my attention until this year, upon my own review of older reports myself through reading them. I was comparing my older reports to my most recent findings this February 2009, because I had a 1CM formation removed some years ago--and wanted to be involved and because I thought a 9mm growth was newly discovered. It was not--it has been festering in my breast for going on five years now.

It has reduced in size from 9mm, to 6mm, and again to 5mm. In time in will be gone. This is one of the focuses of my self-healing. Considering that it usually takes around ten year period for a growth to change to cancer.
Although my previously removed formation was non-cancerous, the tissue through biopsy was proven to show 'focal metaplasia' this means that the tissue is changing (changing into what is the question) I feel confident in the knowledge and the ability to care for my self. I also wish to teach this to others and bestow upon them the same knowledge. Prevention & Early detection saves lives.

Now this may seem insignificant to some, but not to me. Now I realize the power of Self-healing, proper nourishment, and avoidance of stress in the health of Body, Mind, Spirit relationship.

Please visit my other blog at
to find out about Breast Mapping a modality offered at Eco Medical in the Bronx.  This facility also has various Medical Doctors including my Gynecologist, it is a place where you are treated with personalization and warmth.  All of the MDs have interest in Alternative measures and help anyone interested in restoring their health, getting off of medication, and regaining their health to make a safe transition.

Apr 22, 2009

My personal experience (1)

Well, I intended on starting to write this Journal on my self-healing back in February when my most recent part of my ever changing journey began.

I have been feeling as though, I wasn't taking as good care of my health as I should, I had been feeling strange sensations in by breast. I also have been bleeding quite heavily for years and staving off the need for a Hysterectomy according to doctors.

I need to let you know that I am a Licensed Massage Therapist -Holistic Practitioner.
Having had my own health issues, I came into the field seeking to facilitate healing in others,and I have helped many along the way. Mostly it is through the imperialistic knowledge, in which I have gained in allowing others to treat and bestow upon me the knowledge, wisdom, and powers to heal myself.

Well as it is I had not been to a Doctor for over a year for routines, partially because of a lack insurance, but mostly because my view of medicine is contrary to my beliefs on healing.
But Those views I have published elsewhere. (I will post XDS Xanthone Deficiency Sydrome -theory at a later time). So I now have insurance, and go to the Gynocologist for a checkup and Prescription for a Mammogram (my last one was several years ago). Actually, I knew the doctor was going to ask for tests so I got the Rx first, had my Mammo and made the Gyno appt later that week. My doctors appt was on Valentine's day '09. I had the Radiology center send my Radiological review to my doctors office. I also tried to have previous results of imaging and biopsy results taken years ago.

Back around 2001/2002 I had a suspicious cystic formation in my R-breast, found in a mammography and at that time it was 1cm, they had me do a breast-sonogram which confirmed a formation. They performed a needle biopsy to aspirate any fluid, and after repeated the mammogram, they found that the cyst was more like a blister formation and was covering the 1cm growth. I came to find out that in a previous year they had suspected this. Medically terminology for us being on a need to know basis is "unremarkable" which could be something or nothing --but medicine will keep an eye on it and let us know when it is big enough to do damage or need surgical removal, testing, and treatment. Medicine is a business of repeat customers. I went back 2 weeks later and had the growth removed after a stereotactic biopsy (a highly advanced and minimally invasive procedure). The result I was given was benign.

So, now I'm in my new doctor's office on Valentine's day, my new reports are in, but the hospital staff was unable to pull up all my info on a new system, so she had nothing to compare.
I now have a 6mm formation in my L-breast. Normally medicine is not concerned with growths of any kind less than 1cm. But wouldn't you want to know before hand. I did because I saw the results I read them myself - as opposed to a common practice of having the doctor read them and then close them in the file folder until next time. Well, I gave her a very detailed litany of the things that were plaguing me. She gave me another Rx for a 2nd Mammo/Sono and needle biopsy to start. I was not given nor did I ask for Pills to calm other issues, which may elicit the dispensing of Valium/Xannex/Prozac -as the doctor quickly understood and supported my decision to treat myself prior to invasive procedures.

I have always believed I could stay healthy, by keeping a positive outlook, taking care of my diet, exercising, and being happy in what I was doing. Having recently chosen to get back into a former field of work, I was quickly reminded of why I had chosen to leave the field in the first place, and how quickly I allowed myself to be drawn into the stress, un-happiness, never good enough, not enough time, constant complaining, dis-like for others, judgment and basically ugliness that exists outside of what for the past 10years of my life have be behind me.
Working on a one-on-one basis with the people who have past through my life and those that still remain. Undivided attention to their needs, not how they were dressed, how they looked or how much money they made, or education; but of who they are, what they think, how they feel.
They have come to me to feel better. There is a direct correlation between our emotions and actions, and our health. So quickly remember to pick myself up, dust myself off and not let my emotions and work environment get the better of me.

Anger/Frustration/Repression - cause imbalance in Liver/Gallbladder
Sadness -affects the Lungs/Colon
Lack/Over-joy - affects the Heart/Small Intestine
Worry - affects the Spleen/Stomach
Fear - affects Kidney/Bladder

Mid-week after Valentine's day I get a call from the hospital that they have located my films and all of my records. I cried tears of relief -because I was a little concerned in not knowing, & being aware of how generally crappy and tired I felt. I left work early and went to pick them up.
I stayed in the parking lot in my car going through my results and films from years going back to 2005. My biopsy did say "benign" but it also read the terms "Focal metaplasia" This means that the tissue was changing. changing to what - if left to fester long enough or just life tendencies and risk factors - changing of tissue form from normal to abnormal is a precursor to cancer. That is what I have been taught.

I also find out that what I thought to be a new growth 6mm has actually been there, un-known to me since 2005 ( four years festering without my knowledge or choice to treat myself holistically ) but most importantly and a blessing is that during most of this time period, I have be in the Wellness and Healing arts and have been taking good care of not only others but myself. It was 9mm back in 2005. So it has shrunk in the past 4 years as-well-as my Uterine fibroid which has also shrunk by 2-3cm.

So I decided to simply amplify my intentions of healing myself to include self-hypnosis - I down loaded an application called "ATTRACTOR" on my iPhone. I have also included a link at the end as an introduction to truths I believe everyone should take and open mind and time to explore.

Keys to your inner/higher-self.

Started increasing my normal 1-oz./day Xanthone intake, to 1/2 bottle a day for one month from February 23 to March 31. I missed a week because I didn't re-order in time.

I did the Master Cleanser 10 Day De-Tox which I have been doing now for the past 3 years. This was shared with me by a Therapist named Merrill -we used to treat each other on a bartering system, and share ideas, views and practices.
Christ was said to fast for up to 40 Days. Fasting is also a well known remedy for ailments in preserved cultures, and also a means to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
I generally do my de-tox right around this time. I have realized this time around that life becomes more clear to me and I have Epiphanies, I find overwhelming love for those around me and a need to nurture humanity and the world - to share truths.

I passed a lot of toxins over the past month and even felt something passing my L-kidney.
Someone I work with, who is actually younger than I had passed a Kidney stone the week before, resulting in a brief hospital visit. His experience compared to mind were not as intense.
I purposely induced the cleansing - and although is was not pleasant sensation that I experienced, it did not result in the need to go to the hospital.

I am going to have my breast Mammo/Sono again early April and know that I will be healed.
I will report my results and maybe even try to post my results to you can see for yourself.

I hope that my story will be an inspiration to you and help you on your quest to learn how to heal yourself. We are all healers. Hippocrates said "Physician heal thyself"' and "let food be your medicine"