Jul 13, 2010

Uterine Fibroids

I just returned from having my Pelvic sonogram to check the status of my Uterine Fibroid.
As i mentioned in an earlier post, I have suffered hemorrhage for over a decade. Recently I have started to concentrate more on the aspect of my health. Not on the dys-function. I made a vow to myself - to heal myself. I started this over a period of years starting with various detoxification processes. One such process is in a link of 'sites worth visiting' it is called the Master Cleanser - I have been performing this every year for the past 3-4 years. with wonderful results. I have also been drinking Xango for the past 3 years as well. I some amazing true stories both personally and of Patients whom I have treated in the past. Recently, feeling as though something was not right in my body- I started drinking 1/2 bottle a day for 21 days. While simultanteously doing the Master Cleanser (which I did for 10 days), meditation, and self-healing self-hypnosis. As you can sense-I am quite serious about this all.

I had a lovely young Sono-technician named Julian, HI! She informs me that although my Fibroid has not shrunk (any further than it already has in the past few years -by about 2cm? ) it is probably just not paying attention to me. The truth is I am not paying attention to it.  Not avoiding it but concentrating on my healing rather than the 'problem'.

Tuesday - I go for my repeat Breast Sonogram to check on my little growth, and see how powerful my self-healing powers are. Perhaps it has shrunk - I believe it to be gone. Soon we will see! If it hasn't resolved - I will continue. Keep my thoughts pure and my mind working and firm in my believe that I have power over my body, my thoughts, my circumstances, my life, MY EXISTANCE! I choose a happy and healthy one.

Health and wellness to you all!

PS: If you would like to receive updates of my blog(s), please subscribe

Avoid heavy bleeding, Anemia, & Hysterectomy

This is the herb I use when I get my period and start bleeding very heavily.  I usually have them on hand.  About 6 months ago, I started bleeding so heavily that I could barely raise my hands to wash my hair without feeling exhausted.  I attempted to call several Herbal dispensaries around the NY area, as I was out of my supply I had purchased online.   This was to no avail.  Not one of them understood what I was saying.
Afraid that I was bleeding to death, I checked myself into the Emergency Room.  After many hours which blended into half a day and $4,000 bill, I was released with a diagnosis of hypermenorrhea (heavy bleeding).  On my way home, I stopped at Main Street Flushing NY,  and purchased $20 worth of the Yunnan Baiyao Capsules.  Took some in the car and by the next evening I was on normal flow again.  Thank God for this herb, for without it I am sure that I would have lost my uterus to a hysterectomy years ago.


Bowel Movement 101

Many years ago, when I was in my teens, my Aunt Ethel told me a little known - and even more dismissed from conversations -FACT. Hardly anyone ever hears or engages in conversations about "how to have BM- Bowel Movement".

All other problems aside; One must never forget the powerful forces of GRAVITY. I truly believe that most people DO NOT actually suffer from True-Constipation, but rather a loosing battle against the forces of Gravity.

Think about how you go to the bathroom. Do your bathroom visits fall into one of these scenarios:

* Slouching and relaxed - What do you hope to achieve. If your Tired, take a nap. If your Stressed -exercise always helps, cup of tea, Bubble-bath, shower, Sex.. the list goes on; however, Slouching & relaxing does not produce a BM.

* Hunched over rocking, straining, pushing. Just like in the Sopranos (if you ever watched one of the first series - Yes! you CAN actually drop dead having a BM); Although, this probably would not happen in the absence of other health conditions. Coincidentally, having proper BM's and eliminating waste, toxins, and parasites-helps to insure that some dis-ease process can be kept at bay for many years. (like Leaky gut syndrome). Google it! Very interesting read.

* Waiting, giving up. Not having a full evacuation, Probably because your Sphincter muscles are conditioned to SHUT OFF. Do you take laxatives? These create a dependency to themselves and your body them turns off the natural process of Mass-peristalsis. Do you prevent yourself from going to the bathroom when your body says "it's time". This also shuts off and reconditions the body's responses to Peristalsis and Mass peristalsis. These are the natural wave-like occurrence of smooth muscle contractions of the alimentary canal (esophagus to colon). When you start to eat this is the trigger for peristalsis. Once you chew you food and swallow it, these wave-like contractions pass the food through the esophagus, the stomach, small intestine. Distention in the large Intestine (Colon) triggers the stronger Mass peristalsis. Mastication (chewing), Digestion (breakdown to Chyme-food stuff), Assimilation/Absorption (Small-Intestine utilizes chemical compounds of macro and micro-nutrients), Elimination (Large Intestine re-absorbs fluids/water and some vitamins) the rest gets FLUSHED.

* Are you conditioned to the idea of reading in the Bathroom, the worst thing to do. Given the importance of moving Toxins and Waste out of the body, where they fester bacteria, parasites, and a host of other nastiness we don't even want to contemplate; it is probably not a good idea to make a marathon Chapter-a-Thon out of one of the most important bodily functions we perform.

So what can you do to have a proper, effective, quick, & effortless BM. (Leave the Book/Magazine in the Living room)

1. Think of how gravity works - GRAVITY IS YOUR FRIEND HERE!
2. Sit in an upright position so that your rectum is in a plumb line to the toilet. Not slouched! Not bent over! Not slumped! ERECT in a sitting position!
3. Take natural breathes - a little deeper than usual, until you get used to how easily and quickly a bowel movement can be induced. Breathing causes the diaphragm to expand downward. This downward movement puts internal pressure on the abdominal/abdominopelvic/pelvic cavities. Much like throwing a rock into a pool of water, this activity sends a rippling effect that helps stimulate peristalsis. No need to push!BREATHING is a powerful process.
4. Optional - With hands in a prayer position in front of the pubis, bring your forearms into the groin-as if hugging yourself. You do not need to press, just have your forearms resting gently, in re-enforcement of the fact that there is little room for fecal matter to go than OUT of your body.
5. Let GRAVITY go to work!

This is how to achieve an effortless Bowel Movement!



My personal experience (3)

Aromatherapy Beneficial in Complementary Cancer Care

(click on this link directly to Mesothelioma.com)
By Jack Bleeker
Nearly all of us have been touched at one time or another by a personal or loved one’s battle with cancer. In recent years, trends in cancer treatment have increased the utilization of what is known as integrative oncology. This practice stresses the use of alternative influences, such as aromatherapy, in conjunction with traditional cancer treatments. In many cases, the most debilitating effects of cancer are those side effects of traditional cancer treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Those patients who are best able to manage symptoms of traditional treatments are those who are most likely to experience overall efficacy in their specific treatment regimens.
Aggressive cancers, such as mesothelioma, are among those most commonly treated using the techniques of integrative oncology. These types of malignancies often require extremely toxic dosages of chemotherapy and radiation to effectively manage the tumor. Patients enduring the stress of such treatment will often find comfort and solace in aromatherapy and other alternative therapies. That which can induce a sense of calm and relaxation can effectively assist the patient in their battle against cancer.
What’s important to remember is that no alternative therapy, including aromatherapy, can be used as a curative treatment for mesothelioma disease or other malignancy. What has been encouraging however, is an extended mesothelioma survival rate in patients practicing integrative oncology techniques while undergoing treatment. For patients battling restlessness and nausea, essential oils like Lavender Highland (Lavandula Vera) can be utilized to create a peaceful, calming setting to encourage a good night’s sleep.
For patient’s battling immune system deficiencies associated with cancer care, essential oils like Bergamot and Eucalyptus can boost the body’s internal organ’s ability to defend and strengthen immune responses. Some patients will couple aromatherapy with massage or other therapy to make their own personal experience more complete and comprehensive. As with all integrative therapy techniques, personal preference is unique to each patient and nearly everyone’s experience will be unique to them.
It is important to remember that each patient’s needs and comfort levels are different with alternative therapies, but that all patients are encouraged to consider their utilization within their greater treatment plan. Patients undergoing cancer treatment should not commence the use of external or alternative therapies without first clearing their use with their oncologist or cancer specialist. While therapies such as meditation or aromatherapy will likely not be harmful to the patient, more aggressive integrative techniques like yoga or exercise may not be in their best interest. The practice of alternative treatment depends entirely on the patient’s overall health and their willingness to explore these non-traditional areas.
American Cancer Society: Aromatherapy Overview
National Cancer Institute: Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Jul 12, 2010

Visions of Sitting Bull

A view over the Manhattan Skyline. When asking who my guide was, this cloud appeared minutes later. When I asked for a name 2 weeks later-Sitting Bull is what came to mind.

Sitting Bull -

Tatanka Iyotaka


Hunkpapa Sioux Leader and Medicine Man

Jul 1, 2010

Channeling Light

Why Channel light and what is light channeling?

Most of us can relate to how wondrous the sun feels on our skin, how is warms us from the inside out, how it fills us with love, eases our worries, fills us with hope.  

Are you aware that our bodies are made up of light, are DNA is light encoded, or at least it is meant to be.  Have you been depriving your Light Body of Light? Light holds the divine intelligence the codes that spur the divine blueprint of Super nature which is translated through our 12 Strand DNA.  Some of us are still working on the 2 stranded - double helix DNA, which is vastly limited in it ability to heal the body.  Light is love, Light is sound. 
Within the light are the Adamantine particles which make up our physical being-ness.  We are all beings of light or light beings, as it were.  We must make a conscious choice to active our 12 Strand DNA, and awaken our true - pure - whole nature.

I find myself wanting little more these days than to be close to the sun. I race toward it at sunset. Bath in it during the day. Always looking up into the clouds. Day dreaming. Praying. Creating.

One thing I pray and ask for often is to connect with those who are also seeking the light, to be activated.  To reaffirm the believe in that which we know is the truth. We are what we are looking for.
Find yourself, look into the clouds, into the sun. Feel the connection. Realize and remember the magnificence of our being. We can all heal ourselves. We can all heal each other.

What I do, we all can do. Some of us are further along in our journey than others. Every ones growth comes in spurts. Layer upon layer of remembering our true purpose. We are not powerless. Our creative purposes and ability is so simple that it baffles me still. I have much to learn and apply, but still much wisdom to bestow.

I am a child of GOD of which there is only ONE
An earth angel
A messenger of the truth
A conduit of the light
A believer of not only GOD, but of the supreme beings --also children of GOD, who may communicate with all of us, we have only ask.   They are here to guide us, love and protect us, console us, teach us......shhhh!!!! Be still and listen!