May 24, 2009

My personal experience (2)

After returning to the Radiologist to re-perform my imaging, the tests indicated that the formation had shrunk even further to 5mm.
So as a recap: I have had a formation in my breast since before 2005. It was recorded in radiology reports, but was not brought to my attention until this year, upon my own review of older reports myself through reading them. I was comparing my older reports to my most recent findings this February 2009, because I had a 1CM formation removed some years ago--and wanted to be involved and because I thought a 9mm growth was newly discovered. It was not--it has been festering in my breast for going on five years now.

It has reduced in size from 9mm, to 6mm, and again to 5mm. In time in will be gone. This is one of the focuses of my self-healing. Considering that it usually takes around ten year period for a growth to change to cancer.
Although my previously removed formation was non-cancerous, the tissue through biopsy was proven to show 'focal metaplasia' this means that the tissue is changing (changing into what is the question) I feel confident in the knowledge and the ability to care for my self. I also wish to teach this to others and bestow upon them the same knowledge. Prevention & Early detection saves lives.

Now this may seem insignificant to some, but not to me. Now I realize the power of Self-healing, proper nourishment, and avoidance of stress in the health of Body, Mind, Spirit relationship.

Please visit my other blog at
to find out about Breast Mapping a modality offered at Eco Medical in the Bronx.  This facility also has various Medical Doctors including my Gynecologist, it is a place where you are treated with personalization and warmth.  All of the MDs have interest in Alternative measures and help anyone interested in restoring their health, getting off of medication, and regaining their health to make a safe transition.